Raising Digitally Responsible Youth


Roblox is a downloadable interactive game platform that allows users to play multiple types of games inside the Roblox world. It is a creative, Lego - style sandbox environment for playing and creating games.

Roblox has built - in capabilities for friends lists, messaging users, and in - game chat. The chat function works differently depending on the users’ age – for users 13 and under, the chat is built off a list of “whitelisted” words, preselected by the developers as safe for children to use. If the user is over 13 (or sets their birthday so it appears they are), then chat is more open - ended. However, there is still a built - in “blacklist” function that attempts to keep curse words and derogatory terms out of the chat.

Roblox privacy settings also permit parents/caregivers to control who is allowed to interact with their children. The user can adjust whether everyone, friends, or no one has access to communicate both inside games and using the platform’s messaging system. By setting the appropriate age category and ensuring privacy settings are updated, parents/caregivers can limit interactions with other users.


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