Raising Digitally Responsible Youth

There is also a growing number of adults on TikTok. More than 56% of users are between the ages of 25-54 40 years old. Adults joining the app are not necessarily there to create a safe space for TikTok’s younger audiences and may not even realize that poten�ally children of all ages, if not just ages 13 to 18, can see the content they choose to post. Although TikTok states in its Terms of Service 41 that any inappropriate content will be taken down by moderators, it may take hours, days, or even not happen at all. This is something to consider when keeping in mind that more than 1 billion TikTok videos are viewed every day 42 .

With the increasing popularity of video- sharing apps, there are a couple of different apps to look out for that are similar to TikTok such as Triller 43 - an American - based app with over 250 million downloads 44 and the ability to share videos with added music or sounds similar to TikTok. YouTube has also followed this trend with YouTube Shorts, which can be found on Page 21 of this guide.

40 Global TikTok user age and gender distribu�on 2023 | Sta�sta 41 Terms of Service | TikTok 42 33+ Amazing TikTok Sta�s�cs You Should Know in 2023 (techjury.net) 43 Home | Triller 44 15 Triller Sta�s�cs, Facts, and Figures to Get to Know the Pla�orm (influencermarke�nghub.com)


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