Raising Digitally Responsible Youth

In 2017, an applica�on called Messenger Kids was released. Messenger Kids is an applica�on for children to communicate with pre - approved friends and family through their parent’s Facebook account. Messenger Kids features include: • Recent contacts and chat history; allows parents to see whom their child is cha�ng with, whether they are video cha�ng or sending messages, and how frequently those conversa�ons happened over the past 30 days. • Log of images in chats; allows parents to see the most recent photos and videos their child has sent and received in their inbox. • Reported and blocked contacts; allows parents access to a list of the repor�ng and blocking ac�ons their child has taken in the app. • Remote device logout; allows parents to see all devices where their child is logged into Messenger Kids and log out of the app on any device through the Parent Dashboard. • Download your child’s informa�on; allows parents to request a copy of their child’s data.


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